15 November 2009

Nothing doing

So, the big question...what have I been up to?
Well, really, absolutely nothing. And its been great.

I've been "working" on my final project, which basically involves doing whatever I want. I read a little, do some yoga and meditation, and read poetry and stories and then write. All things I would probably do if I always got my way.
I met with my guru, Sajeeva, once last week and we discussed karma, a conversation that led me to the conclusion that I SHOULD just live in the woods and read and write and make art and garden and go hiking and swimming etc. I mean, who really needs money? It's better for my karma, folks!

Haha...I'm only half serious.

I have more time to myself than I know what to do with, which is making me think a lot about past and future, kind of defeating the purpose of my project. So, Sajeeva has been e-mailing techniques that help me stay in the present and focus on my writing. He sends a new one almost everyday, which is wonderful. It is almost like playing a game: "Let's see how long I can stare at the sky without blinking..."
I hopefully meeting with him again today so we can discuss how these meditations are working and not working.
I'm also (sort of) helping organize a conference V-LEAD is having this weekend about response to natural disasters. I was assigned the job of introducing each speaker at the conference, which involves reading a long list of reasons why this person is so distinguished, so you should really listen to what he has to say. It isn't exactly what I had in mind when I signed up for the "technical" crew, but I can't get out of it. I already tried, and I'm stuck. I haven't had to do that much yet, but then again, I haven't really ventured out of the hostel enough to find out.

Thus is my daily existence. Call it pathetic if you will, but I'm having a grand time. My question is, how will I return to the real world?

1 comment:

  1. oh elli, we've always known that you're going to live in the woods!
    enjoy your free time and relaxation!
